Further training, etc. for doctors, psychologists and therapists, as well as for teachers, child carers, social pedagogues and for those working in the coaching area. Other professional fields not mentioned here are welcome. More information can be found here.
Mediation for the self-boundary awareness training. More information can be found here.
Lectures, half-or full-day courses, workshops with specific boundary-relevant issues such as burnout prophylaxis, high sensitivity and stimulus reduction, family boundaries, intuitive knowledge in boundary areas, and much more.
Supervision of difficult boundary dynamics and unclear demarcation lines, as well as for working people who regularly deal with difficult boundary questions be confronted.
Research into Self-Boundary Awareness and related topics. More information can be found here.
Placement of therapists trained at the center. More information can be found here.
Wide range of literature with a deepening of different boundary topics. More information can be found here.
How can we develop an awareness of our own boundary and our own boundary behavior?
How can we optimize our boundary functions and adapt them to our current life situation in the best possible way?
What influence does our current boundary have on our interpersonal exchange, on the perception of ourselves and others and on our relationships?
Can redesigning the boundaries contribute to changing behavioral patterns or even healing unhealthy psychological processes?
How important is it to give children an awareness of their own inner world and to train them in the functionality of the self-boundary?